Australian Premium Meats

Storing meat

It’s important to store and prepare meat safely to stop bacteria from spreading and to avoid food poisoning:
store raw meat or raw poultry in clean sealed containers on the bottom shelf of the fridge, so the meat cannot touch or drip onto other food follow any storage instructions on the label and do not eat meat after its “use by” date
store red meat or raw poultry in a freezer before its “use by” date
if you cook meat that you’re not going to eat straight away, cool it as quickly as possible and then put it in the fridge or freezer – remember to keep cooked meat separate from raw meat and only reheat cooked meat once
always thoroughly clean plates, utensils, surfaces and hands straight away after they have touched raw or thawing meat using warm soapy water or disinfectant cleaning products

Freezing meat safely

It’s safe to freeze raw meat providing that you: freeze it before the “use by” date
date and label meat in the freezer, following any freezing or thawing instructions on the packaging
defrost meat in the microwave, using the defrost setting, if you are going to cook it straight away
thaw meat fully in a fridge, if you want to defrost it and cook it later – keep it in the fridge and use it within 2 days of defrosting
cook food until it’s steaming hot all the way through
When meat thaws, liquid can come out of it. This liquid will spread bacteria to any food, plates or surfaces that it touches. Keep the meat in a sealed container at the bottom of the fridge so that it cannot touch or drip onto other foods.
If you defrost raw meat and then cook it thoroughly, you can freeze it again. But never reheat meat or any other food more than once as this could lead to food poisoning.



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