Australian Premium Meats

Cooking meat

Follow the cooking instructions on the packaging.

Some people wash meat before they cook it, but this actually increases your risk of food poisoning, because the water droplets splash onto surfaces and can contaminate them with bacteria.

It’s important to prepare and cook food safely. Cooking meat properly ensures that harmful bacteria on the meat are killed. If meat is not cooked all the way through, these bacteria may cause food poisoning.

Bacteria and viruses can be found all the way through poultry and certain meat products (such as burgers). This means you need to cook poultry and these sorts of meat products all the way through. When meat is cooked all the way through, its juices run clear and there is no pink or red meat left inside.


Meats and meat products that you should cook

All the way through are:
poultry and game, such as chicken, turkey, duck and goose, including liver
offal, including liver
burgers and sausages
rolled joints of meat
You can eat whole cuts of beef or lamb when they are pink inside – or “rare” – as long as they are cooked on the outside.
  These meats include:  



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